



Naming and Necessity

Naming and Necessity

に出てくるゲーデルとシュミットの思考実験についてのクリプキの結論は普遍的でないという話(なお、この記事自体も実験哲学(Experimental philosophy)についてのもので、興味深い)。

To support his case, Kripke offered a thought experiment: Suppose, he asked us to imagine, that Go"del's theorem was actually the work of a fellow named Schmidt; it's just that Go"del somehow got hold of the manuscript and thereafter was wrongly credited with its authorship.



When those of us who know about "Go"del" only as the theorem's author invoke that name, whom are we referring to? According to Russell's view of reference, we're actually referring to Schmidt: “Go"del” is merely shorthand for the fellow who devised the famous theorem, and Schmidt is the creature who answers to that description.


“But it seems to me that we are not,” Kripke declared. “We simply are not.”


To which experimentalists reply: What do you mean “we,” kemo sabe? Recently, a team of philosophers led by Machery came up with situations that had the same form as Kripke’s and presented them to two groups of undergraduates ― one in New Jersey and another in Hong Kong. The Americans, it turned out, were significantly more likely to give the responses that Kripke took to be obvious; the Chinese students had intuitions that were consonant with the older theory of reference. Maybe this relates to the supposed individualism of Westerners; maybe their concern that we get Schmidt’s name right isn't shared by the supposedly more group-minded East Asians. Whatever the explanation, it's a discomforting result. “We simply are not”: well, that may be so at Princeton or Rutgers. On the other side of the planet, it might seem we are. What should philosophers make of that?




  • では、日本人はどうなのだろうか。わたし自身はこの思考実験の結論について疑ったことはなかったが、これは哲学者の直観と非哲学者の直観が異なっているせいだろうか。あるいは、韓国人はどうか。
  • 中国人の集団主義に結果を帰している上の説明に根拠はあるのか。

(Dec. 27)最後の段落を少し直しました。なお、上で紹介されている論文は以下のようです(wikipediaに記述がありました)。