





The original term Bradley effect derives its name from a 1982 campaign involving Tom Bradley, the long-time mayor of Los Angeles, California. Bradley, who was black, ran as the Democratic party's candidate for Governor of California against Republican candidate George Deukmejian, who was white. The polls leading into the day of the election consistently showed Bradley with a lead. In fact, based on exit polls on election day, a number of media outlets projected a Bradley win that night; early editions of the next day's San Francisco Chronicle even had a bold "BRADLEY WIN PROJECTED" headline. However, Bradley narrowly lost the race.

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  • 世論調査では非白人の候補者に投票するといいながら、じっさいは白人の候補者に投票する白人の有権者
  • 世論調査ではまだ決めていないと回答するが、実際は白人の候補者に投票する白人の有権者

が多数いるために起こる。この説明のひとつとしては、白人の有権者の中には(白人候補者に投票するという)自分の投票行動の動機にracial prejudiceがあると見られるのではないか、という危惧があり、そう見られないように世論調査では自分の決断をあかさないのだ、というものがある。これは世論調査の調査員が黒人だったときと白人だったときで、白人有権者の回答が異なるという観察とも合致する。

The issue of which specific sets of circumstances have led to polling inaccuracies is debated, but the general belief among pollsters is that perceived societal pressures have led some white voters to be less than forthcoming in their poll responses. These voters supposedly have harbored a concern that declaring their support for a white candidate over a non-white candidate will create a perception that the voter is racially prejudiced. During the 1988 Jackson presidential campaign, Murray Edelman, a veteran election poll analyst for news organizations and a former president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, found the race of the pollster conducting the interview to be a factor in the discrepancy. Edelman's research showed white voters to be more likely to indicate support for Jackson when asked by a black interviewer than when asked by a white interviewer.

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In 2006, there was speculation that the Bradley effect might appear in the Tennessee race for United States Senator between Harold Ford, Jr. and white candidate Bob Corker.Ford lost by a slim margin, but an examination of exit polling data indicated that the percentage of white voters who voted for him remained close to the percentage that indicated they would do so in polls conducted prior to the election. Several other 2006 biracial contests saw pre-election polls predict their respective elections' final results with similar accuracy.

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