


先日J.BennettとS.GorovitzのImproving academic writing (pdf.ファイル)というのを読んで結構よかったので紹介。当然英語の文が対象だが、日本語の文を書くときも役立つと思う。[以下の例文は、ブッシュとオバマ以外のものは原論文から(Sep 23)]

短くしろ(Shorten it)



This is a pivotal moment for America's economy. Problems that originated in the credit markets -- and first showed up in the area of subprime mortgages -- have spread throughout our financial system. This has led to an erosion of confidence that has frozen many financial transactions, including loans to consumers and to businesses seeking to expand and create jobs. As a result, we must act now to protect our nation's economic health from serious risk.


  • America's financial system is intricate and complex.
  • In the long run, Americans have good reason to be confident in our economic strength.
  • We've seen that resilience over the past eight years.
  • We will weather this challenge too, and we must do so together.


  • There will be ample opportunity to debate the origins of this problem. Now is the time to solve it.
  • These were targeted measures designed primarily to stop the problems of individual firms from spreading even more broadly. But more action is needed.
  • We will weather this challenge too, and we must do so together. This is no time for partisanship.


名詞より動詞(Verbs are better than nouns)


  • There is a difference between x and y.
  • X differs from y.


Verb. That's What's Happening: Mr. Obama's speech is full of strong active verbs. "I will end this war in Iraq responsibly, and finish the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan," he says, not quite describing how he will pursue that goal. "I will also renew the tough, direct diplomacy that can prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and curb Russian aggression."

And this: "I've got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first."

Live From Denver: Big Night - The New York Times


副詞と信子、何とかしてほしい(Adverbs are better than adjective)


  • He is a clear writer.
  • He writes clearly.


  • The patient was observed to be agitated.
  • Dr. Notewell observed that the patient was agitated.


  • We are in agreement that...
  • We agree that...
  • He adduced an argument for the proposition that...
  • He argued that...

アングロサクソン語が優先(Favor the Anglo-Saxon)


  • × Is it possible for him to...?
  • ○ Can he ...?
  • × She wrote it a century prior to the present time.
  • ○ She wrote it a century ago.


  • × 構造改革が進めば、激しい市場競争によって不可避的に所得や資産の格差が広がる。
  • ○ 構造改革が進めば、激しい市場競争によって所得や資産の格差が広がることがさけられない。

「とても」とかそういうのはダメ(Banish 'very' and its ilk)

"very," "extremely," "really," "quite"はほとんどの場合削除する。そうすることでパンチが効いた文章になる。

抽象名詞は親の敵(Abstract nouns should be fought like the devil)


  • A more abstract exploration of the fomulations' implications for each other, however, will reveal that each is unacceptable.
  • If we explore more abstractly what each formulation implies for the others, we see that none is acceptable.


無駄な繰り返しするんじゃねえ(Avoid undue repetition)


Classical utilitarianism, which ranks states of affairs according to the amount of total satisfaction they contain, is the most familiar consequentialist view. But classical utilitarianism is widely thought too crude a theory. Although its defenders point with approval to its simplicity, critics charge that this simplicity is achieved at too high a cost. They argue that utilitarianism relies on implausible assumptions about human motivation, incorporates a strained and superficial view of the human good, and ignores a host of important considerations about justice, fairness, and the character of human agency.


Classical utilitarianism, which ranks states of affairs by how much satisfaction they contain, is the most familiar consequentialist view. It is widely judged to be too crude a theory. Its simplicity, to which its defenders point with approval, is said by critics to come at too high a cost. Utilitarianism, they argue, relies on implausible assumptions about human motivation, takes a strained and superficial view of human good, and ignores much of what matters about justice, fairness, and purposeful human action.


  • "according to the amount of total satisfaction they contain" --> "by how much satisfaction they contain"
  • "But classical utilitarianism is widely thought too crude a theory." --> "It is widely judged to be too crude a theory."
  • "Although its defenders point with approval to its simplicity, critics charge that this simplicity is achieved at too high a cost." --> "Its simplicity, to which its defenders point with approval, is said by critics to come at too high a cost."
  • "incorporates" --> "takes"
  • a host of important considerations about..." --> "much of what matters"
  • "the character of human agency" --> "purposeful human action"

コンマに気をつけろ(Be careful with commas)

著者はG・E・ムーアの文章を引用している。"There is, in this, a confusion, with which, however, we need not deal." これはひどい

声に出して読め(Attend to the sound)





I close. We are not we must not be aliens or enemies but fellow coutnrymen and brethren.... The mystic chords which proceeding from so many battle fields and so many patriot graves pass through all the hearts and all the hearths in this broad continent of ours will yet again harmonize in their ancient music when breathed upon by the guardian angel of the nation.


I am loth to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.... The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

  • "We are not we must not be aliens or enemies but fellow coutnrymen and brethren"を"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies"にしたのはすばらしい。すぐに後者のほうがよいとわかる。
  • "The mystic chords which proceeding from so many battle fields and so many patriot graves pass through all the hearts and all the hearths in this broad continent of ours..."が、"The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land..."となっているが、これも後者のほうがわかりやすくかつリズムがある。後者と比べると、前者は初心者の社交ダンスのような足がもつれた文章である。
